GHG Basics: What You Should Know

  • 6 min. read
  • Gaurav Tiwari

Greenhouse gases and their environmental impact are now major concerns. Human activities continue to release large amounts of these gases, raising serious questions about climate change. As a result, people are more aware of the consequences and the need for action.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the environmental effects of greenhouse gases. We’ll explore their sources, the damage they cause, and what we can do to reduce them. Our analysis will rely on scientific studies to ensure everything is accurate and trustworthy. Let’s uncover what’s happening and how we can help.

What are Greenhouse Gases?

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) play a key role in trapping heat from the sun, helping regulate Earth’s temperature. Without them, our planet would be too cold to support life. However, human activities have led to a sharp increase in these gases, disrupting the natural balance. The main greenhouse gases we need to worry about are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), fluorinated gases, and even water vapor. This rise in GHGs is a growing concern, affecting everything from climate patterns to ecosystems.

Greenhouse gas emissions come mainly from burning fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial processes, and agricultural activities. When we burn coal, oil, or natural gas, large amounts of CO2 enter the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, responsible for almost 80% of human-caused emissions, lingers for a long time. Once released, 40% of it remains in the air even after 100 years. Shockingly, 20% still lingers after 1,000 years, and 10% could stick around for as long as 10,000 years. This shows how lasting and serious the impact of our actions can be.

Methane comes mainly from agriculture, especially livestock and rice farming. It also escapes from landfills and during fossil fuel extraction. While methane stays in the atmosphere for only about 12 years, it’s far more powerful than carbon dioxide in trapping heat. This makes it a major player in the greenhouse effect, even if it lingers for a shorter time.

Nitrous oxide comes from agricultural and industrial activities and fossil fuel combustion. The EPA states that N2O has a global warming potential (GWP) about 270 times higher than carbon dioxide over 100 years. Even more concerning, it stays in the atmosphere for over a century on average.

Although fluorinated gases are emitted in smaller quantities than other greenhouse gases (they account for 3 percent of U.S. emissions, per the EPA), they trap substantially more heat.

All these GHGs result in warming the atmosphere which leads to warmer air holding more water. And since water vapour is a greenhouse gas, more water absorbs more heat, inducing even greater warming and perpetuating a positive feedback loop. (It’s worth noting, however, that the net impact of this feedback loop is still uncertain, as increased water vapour also increases cloud cover that reflects the sun’s energy away from the earth but holds heat in at night.

GHG emissions graph
Source: IPCC (2022); Based on global emissions from 2019, details on the sectors and individual contributing sources can be found in the Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 2.

GHG Impacts on Environment and Climate Change

A couple of centuries ago, the planet experienced a “Little Ice Age,” driven by lower solar activity and more volcanic eruptions. But the warming we’re seeing today, especially since the mid-20th century, is happening too fast to be explained by natural causes alone. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing, which intensifies the greenhouse effect. This, in turn, leads to global warming and climate change.

The effects of climate change are vast. It’s reshaping ecosystems, altering weather patterns, raising sea levels, and affecting human societies in ways we can’t ignore.

Since the mid-1800s, human activities have caused a sharp rise in key greenhouse gas emissions. By 2022, CO2 levels in the atmosphere had increased to 1.5 times higher than in 1850. This spike is largely tied to the start of large-scale industrialization.

Source: European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service

Climate Change is Real and Here’s How it Manifests

Rising temperatures: Global average temperatures have been steadily increasing over the past century due to increased greenhouse gas emissions.  As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so does the global surface temperature. The last decade, 2011-2020, is the warmest on record. Since the 1980s, each decade has been warmer than the previous one. This rise in temperature leads to the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, causing a rise in sea levels and increasing the risk of coastal flooding. 

Extreme weather events: Climate change is linked to an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, and heavy rainfall. These events result in significant economic losses, infrastructure damage, and loss of human lives. As temperatures rise, more moisture evaporates, which exacerbates extreme rainfall and flooding, causing more destructive storms.

Disruption of ecosystems: Changes in temperature and weather patterns affect ecosystems and biodiversity. Species migration, alteration of habitats, and disturbance of ecological balance pose significant challenges for many plants and animals, leading to loss of biodiversity.These risks increase as temperatures climb. Exacerbated by climate change, the world is losing species at a rate 1,000 times greater than at any other time in recorded human history.

Ocean acidification: Increased levels of atmospheric CO2 are absorbed by the oceans, resulting in ocean acidification. The rate at which the ocean is warming strongly increased over the past two decades, across all depths of the ocean. Resulting in adversely affecting marine life, particularly coral reefs, shellfish, and other calcifying organisms.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Addressing the environmental impact of greenhouse gases requires a two-pronged approach: mitigation and adaptation.

Mitigation strategies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while adaptation focuses on managing the consequences of climate change. Here are some key strategies:

Renewable Energy: Shifting to renewable energy, like solar, wind, and hydropower, can drastically cut CO2 emissions and tackle climate change. By 2030, affordable electricity from renewable sources could make up 65% of the global supply. Even more promising, it could decarbonize 90% of the power sector by 2050. This shift would massively reduce carbon emissions, playing a critical role in fighting climate change.

Energy efficiency: Improving energy efficiency in industries, buildings, and transportation can decrease energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable agriculture: Implementing sustainable agricultural practices, such as precision farming, organic practices, and efficient irrigation methods, can help reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions.

Afforestation and reforestation: Planting trees and restoring forests can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, acting as a natural carbon sink.

Climate-resilient infrastructure: Developing infrastructure that is resilient to the impacts of climate change, such as building flood-resistant structures and incorporating early warning systems, can help minimise the damage caused by extreme weather events.

Net-Zero Commitments

To put it simply, net zero means reducing carbon emissions to a minimal level. This level allows nature and other carbon dioxide removal methods to absorb and store the remaining emissions. Ultimately, this process leaves zero carbon emissions in the atmosphere.

The Earth is now about 1.1°C warmer than it was in the late 1800s, and emissions keep rising. To limit global warming to no more than 1.5°C, as the Paris Agreement calls for, we must reduce emissions by 45% by 2030. Additionally, we need to reach net zero by 2050.

More than 140 countries, including China, the United States, India, and the European Union, have set net-zero targets. These countries account for about 88% of global emissions. Furthermore, over 9,000 companies, more than 1,000 cities, over 1,000 educational institutions, and more than 600 financial institutions have joined the Race to Zero. They pledge to take rigorous, immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030.

Getting to net zero requires all governments to significantly strengthen their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and take bold, immediate steps towards reducing emissions now.


The environmental impact of greenhouse gases demands our immediate attention and global collaboration. Human activities release excessive greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This leads to significant climate change and its many consequences.

We see clear indicators of this crisis, such as rising temperatures, extreme weather events, ecosystem disruption, and ocean acidification. These issues highlight the urgent need for effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. Together, we can tackle this pressing challenge and protect our planet for future generations.

We can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize environmental impact by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, adopting sustainable agricultural practices, and investing in climate-resilient infrastructure. Collaborating among governments, industries, and individuals is crucial for implementing these solutions effectively and on a large scale.

Tackling the environmental impact of greenhouse gases requires a comprehensive approach. We need to integrate scientific knowledge, policy measures, and individual actions. By taking proactive steps today, we can build a sustainable future and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change for generations to come.

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